Changes to Scott Sails Services due to COVID-19

As the situation with COVID-19 becomes our new norm, Scott Sails remains committed to protecting our customers and our team.

We are open to walk-ins in our Manly Vale loft, but with the following conditions in place:

We love social distancing!

Please respect the 1.5m social distancing requirement. This is to keep both customers and the Scott Sails team safe from risk of unintended virus transmission.

Happiness is clean hands!

We love clean hands, not just for working with product, but also to minimise any unintended spread of COVID-19. There is hand sanitiser at the entrance to the loft. Please use!

Stairwell Service Available!

First established back in March, we are still operating a non-contact service for those that prefer it for both health and convenience. Please see details below.


The Scott Sails Stairwell Service

This allows you to drop-off and pick-up product using our stairwell without the need for social contact with any of our team. Forms can be downloaded from our Facebook page (under photos) and are also available in the stairwell.

How does this work?

1. Fill in a Stairwell Service form.

2. Securely attach to your drop-off.

3. Leave your drop-off (sail, cover, etc.) in the stairwell.

Process after drop-off:

4. We clear the stairwell of new drop-offs progressively every day between 08:00 and 16:30.

5. After we log in your product we give you a call to discuss the job in more detail.

6. On completion of the job we will contact you to confirm pick-up details.

Note that we are still picking up, dropping off, and measuring at yachts as per usual.


If you have any questions or concerns, we welcome your call or email.

Phone: 0412 288 945


Happy sailing everyone!